7 definitions by Evil twin

A 'singer' who only ever wears clothes from Hot Topic and claims it's punk and spends all of her time singing about how much her life sucks.
'Hey, it's the new Avril Lavigne album. Even more songs about hating men. It must be punk, because we say it is!'
by Evil twin January 14, 2005
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The most dyslexic girl named Lexi, she’s very pretty, alternative , crazy, dyslexic girl. But when she’s around you’ll always have a smile on your face. Meeting her will be the best thing to happen to you. She’s truly one of a kind, nobody can ever compare to her. Even if she can’t spell 99% of the time.
Stranger: this girl just texted me “wanna handout?”
Me: was her name lexi?
Stranger: yeah

Me: oh she’s just dyslexi
by Evil twin June 27, 2022
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One of those guys who's been working out far longer then they've been going to school. They have muscles like rocks and a brain like a raisen. A complete brick.
" No i wouldn't date that brick if i was paid to"
by Evil twin October 31, 2004
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Females often incapable of defending themself even if they tried. Small frail and very 'girly'. Many of them feed on pitty and blind lust (aka sex) and other such things.
"Oh look its another barbie... are we being consumed by breakables?"
by Evil twin October 31, 2004
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Both to know of imminent evil or to plan and cause the evil that is soon to become imminent!
jason is the bastation of all that is good and un-evil in this world
by Evil twin August 19, 2004
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A person who is a little too messed up to be called Retard. In serious need of help or assistance.
"There is something seriously wrong with my brother, he is such a rejamatard."
by Evil twin October 31, 2004
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A website so full of ass kissers it beggers belief that no one gets chapped lips. Fake congratulations and backslapping abound. Its just sickening. Anyone with a mind of their is quickly crushed and thrown out if they don't suck the site owners swollen cock of 'luvvieness'
If you like talking endless which of the three Romeo zombie films were the best and creating a new thread every day about what DVD's you have recently purchased and enjoy sticking your tongue up the owners ass then zombiekeeper is the place for you.
by Evil twin August 27, 2003
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