2 definitions by Evil Student

1.Your moms name
2. N. Implying complete and utter confusion
3. N. a really stupid person
4. V. To procreate
5. adj. Can be used to modify any word for more passion
6. Int. Expresses disgust
7. Int. Expresses complete suprise and joy
8. adv. Can be used to make a command more urgent
9. N. A shemales name
10. adj. with suffix -ed. general derogatory meaning
11. very, extremely
12. n. a person you don't like
13. bother, agitate
14. v. to be in distress
15. To be screwed
1. I do not accept the "F word" as your name
2. What in the Fracca?
3. You stupid Fracca!
4. I suggest we go Fracca in your mothers bed while eating crackers and petting a cat name mittens!
5. This Fraccaing guy was so Fraccaing weird. He asked me if I was Fraccaing insane.
6. Aw, Fracca!!
7. Holy Mother Fracca! You guys rock!
8. Just Fraccaing jump before I kick you in the balls!
9. I Fraccaed your mom last night
10. Hi Fracca
11. I Fraccad
by Evil Student May 21, 2008
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1.Your moms name
2. N. Implying complete and utter confusion
3. N. a really stupid person
4. V. To procreate
5. adj. Can be used to modify any word for more passion
6. Int. Expresses disgust
7. Int. Expresses complete suprise and joy
8. adv. Can be used to make a command more urgent
9. N. A shemales name
10. adj. with suffix -ed. general derogatory meaning
11. very, extremely
12. n. a person you don't like
13. bother, agitate
14. v. to be in distress
15. To be screwed
1. I do not accept the "F word" as your name
2. What in the Fracca?
3. You stupid Fracca!
4. I suggest we go Fracca in your mothers bed while eating crackers and petting a cat name mittens!
5. This Fraccaing guy was so Fraccaing weird. He asked me if I was Fraccaing insane.
6. Aw, Fracca!!
7. Holy Mother Fracca! You guys rock!
8. Just Fraccaing jump before I kick you in the balls!
9. I Fraccaed your mom last night
10. Hi Fracca
11. I Fraccad
by Evil Student May 21, 2008
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