2 definitions by Ernie McCrackin'

Lack of Jaz Syndrome. This apparently happens when your so fucking awesome your friends become addicted to your essence of awesome. Quick go hang out with Jaz before you suffer the horrible effects of this disease. These effects are as listed:
1. your life will become boring and meaningless
2. Loss of appetite
3. Loss of the ability to laugh
4. Slight thoughts of sucide

so quick go get yourself checked for LOJS
"One in every 32.5 babies sufferes from LOJS. Get your self checked"

Person 1: "Hey wanna hang out tomorrow?"
Person 2: "Sorry I can't I'm chillin' with Jaz I havent seen him in a week and the LOJS is killing me."
by Ernie McCrackin' June 18, 2008
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Lack of Jaz Syndrome. This apparently happens when your so fucking awesome your friends become addicted to your essence of awesome. Quick go hang out with Jaz before you suffer the horrible effects of this disease. These effects are as listed:
1. your life will become boring and meaningless
2. Loss of appetite
3. Loss of the ability to laugh
4. Slight thoughts of sucide

so quick go get yourself checked for LOJS
"One in every 32.5 babies sufferes from LOJS. Get your self checked"

Person 1: "Hey wanna hang out tomorrow?"
Person 2: "Sorry I can't I'm chillin' with Jaz I havent seen him in a week and the LOJS is killing me."
by Ernie McCrackin' June 17, 2008
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