1 definition by Elle Ay

a guy who seems normal......but turns out to be crazy.
G1: So last night this guy didn't like what my deal was for the night.
G2: Yeah, and, who cares?
G1: I didn't until he killed my phone.
G2: Wow. what a phonesnapper.

G1: So I talked to my mom today.... and apparently my ex-bf added my mom on fb
G2: no way.
G1: yeah, but i knew he was a phonesnapper.

Gditz: OMGGG so I lent my friend my shirt & like u'll never believe what happened!!!! She left it at a guy i know's house anddddd he refuses to give it to me unless, like, i hang out w/ him.
G2: that guys a phonesnapper. dont talk to him.

moral of examples. if a boy is a phonesnapper, stay away!
by Elle Ay September 30, 2009
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