2 definitions by El Skeeto

A fart that goes by silently, and everyone but you can smell it.
jon let off a silent ninja.
by El Skeeto April 5, 2007
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When playing Halo 2 or any other action-packed shooter game on console, the action gets so intense that the player has a forced orgasm all over his controller.

Whilst cumming on the controller, the player says into his headset, "I cum on ze controllah!" in a comedic German accent.

This is based on young Arnold Schwarzenegger's interview, to which he was "cumming all ze time!"
Playing Halo, Hienrich van Gloppenhiemer said, "I get double, triple, killtacular! AGH! I cum on ze controllah!"

by El Skeeto April 5, 2007
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