1 definition by EgoTrips International

The term "elmophilia" denotes the fondness, esp. the abnormal love, for the Sesame Street character "Elmo", and is displayed primarily by people who insist on referring to themselves in the third person. These people are often referred to as "elmophiliacs".

One notable elmophiliac is DarkAries.
DarkAries: "Okay. First off, you're wrong, but Aries is not going to call you a bad person because of it, because it's not going to do any good to anybody."

Person#2: "Why do you refer to yourself in the third person?"

Person#3: "He is a split personality. One half thinks the other half types. I used to be the same way but then I had the operation."

Person#4: "It appears that DarkAries suffers from elmophilia."
by EgoTrips International February 9, 2007
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