1 definition by E. Long Musk

According to the Pedo Files, "An Encyclopedic Guide to All Things Pedo", a modern term of affection used by middle aged tech billionaires with decades younger girlfriends to describe their creepy elders who also have younger girlfriends but are less tech savvy and prefer to walk (from the Latin pedester, going on foot) or swim rather than drive electric cars or ride in kid-sized submarines. Some etymologists have suggested this may be a double entendre on the Afrikaans slang for an Olympic level 'pedo (or Speedo) wearing swimmer.
Modern usage: nice job Vern using your pedo instincts to find those young cave divers.
Afrikaans slang: Vern is a such a pedo guy, and he looks so manly in his Speedos.
by E. Long Musk December 7, 2019
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