2 definitions by Dr. Yates (Ba, PHd)

The 21st century British construction of a female whom may look, act and eat like a lesbian/virgin but is in-fact straight and sexually promiscuous.

(the term is thought to be initially coined in the Library of UCLAN university, 2010).
Becky: "Hey, Letti is a lesbian right?"
Shaun: "No! she's had sex with Adam like a ka-billion times! Classical Chuntress.."
by Dr. Yates (Ba, PHd) November 26, 2010
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The 21st century British construction of a female whom may look, act and eat like a lesbian/virgin but is in-fact straight and sexually promiscuous.

(the term is thought to be initially coined in the Library of UCLAN university, 2010).
Becky: "Hey, Letti is a lesbian right?"
Shaun: "No! she's had sex with Adam like a ka-billion times! Classical Chuntress.."
by Dr. Yates (Ba, PHd) November 26, 2010
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