2 definitions by Dr. Quique

The act of excreting prior to taking a shower. It is the opposite of doing a show-shi.

Person 1: Dude, I just did a shi-show, I feel like a million bucks.

Person 2: You did what?

Person 1: A shi-show: I took an amazing shit and then jumped in the shower. Now I just feel light and clean!
by Dr. Quique February 28, 2009
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The act of having showered and subsequently realize that you must excrete. It is the opposite of doing a shi-show.
Person 1: Fuck man! I just did a show-shi!
Person 2: Did you not know you had to take a shit?
Person 1: No, I didn't feel it coming until I stepped out of the shower.

by Dr. Quique February 28, 2009
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