6 definitions by Dr. Jim Halpert the third

sooskpoosk is a referential term that is not necessarily derogatory, in farsi, referring to black people. much like the term cheshtang in farsi, which translates literally to "tight eyes" referring to chinese people, sooskpoosk literally translates to "roach skin." the actual traditional pronunciation would be "soosk poost," however it has been abridged within the common vernacular.

while it might seem outrageously racist to call a black person a 'roach skin,' it is important to understand that "soosk" (roach) is a common term for black people in farsi, and is interchangeable with "black."

while that might sound even more racist than before, it is important to realize that the persian language is still in the same state that it was in the 16th century, and the entire concept of political correctness is absurd to iranians.

also, this term is interchangeable with the mildly less offensive "seeyahpoost" which is "black skin."
persian man watching a film in a movie theatre:

"hey, will someone tell those sooskpoosks to shut the shet up, betch"
by Dr. Jim Halpert the third February 24, 2008
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The use of samples of black singers and rappers by white DJs and musicians
I went to an EDM concert and this guy actually did sonic blackface I can’t believe it he should be cancelled
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The hair fang is a common hair style among emo and hxc crowds. it is typically dyed black, and covers one eyeball in order to create a mysterious and dark look.
hey dude! that's such a good hair fang ! you look so mysterious! you probably eat bats and stuff huh?!
by Dr. Jim Halpert the third December 11, 2006
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a meatdick is a dumb, muscley bro that is always worried about one upping other people and outdoing others with his toughness. usually they are overly aggressive as well.
Brad: "Oh yeah josh, you think thats a lift? my ford f150 is lifted at least 3 times that, bro"

josh: "Fuckin brad, quit meatdicking me."
by Dr. Jim Halpert the third January 17, 2008
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Prince Phishing is the act of turning the tables on a nigerian prince. This often includes enticing nigerian princes on websites such as craigslist.org and then playing along with their scam only to later exact revenge upon them. This is often played for sport.
There are several ways to go prince phishing: for instance, if you were to list a laptop on craigslist.org for sale, and you receive a nigerian prince email asking you to send the laptop in exchange for payment over the internet, you would act like you believe him completely and then proceed to mail the prince a picture of your penis inside of a box with a declared customs value of thousands of dollars. When the prince goes to pick the package up from customs, thinking he has bested you, he will pay up to hundreds of dollars of his own money to pick up his winnings, only to then receive the box and realize he has paid hundreds for a picture of your penis.
by Dr. Jim Halpert the third December 26, 2009
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