6 definitions by Dr Internet

What electricians of the male gender call a vagina.
"After my work for the day, I'm going to go plug into my wife's socket."
by Dr Internet August 18, 2016
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A cat who is theraputic to be around.
"I need to talk to Sigmeow Furred, my medicat!"
by Dr Internet August 18, 2016
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They exist, they are the male version of a Crazy Cat Lady.
"Crazy cat gentleman! you have too many cats!"
"Bollocks, I can never have too many felines."
by Dr Internet August 18, 2016
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When you leave food in tupperware for ages and then look in there like a year later, as it was in the back of your fridge.
"Hey! that's where my meat loaf went. I have been looking for it forever! now it's a tupperscare!"
by Dr Internet August 18, 2016
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When you have a spoiled Pokemon that you use all the time and ignore the rest of your team.
"Eff all my other guys, my Richarizard is the most awesomest and powerful one."
by Dr Internet August 18, 2016
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Something you can write in for the election.
"I voted for Donald. Donald Duck."
by Dr Internet August 18, 2016
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