2 definitions by Dough Boy

Drunk ass that lets people walk all over him and thinks he is respected by his peers but gets rolled by them when he passes out. Can take a punch but will hold a big baby grudge. Thinks he’s sly but really people just let him think that. Down to earth when sober
Davia is on day 18 of binge drinking and broke so no friends anymore till next payday
by Dough Boy February 20, 2018
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A small street in Riverside south of Norte Vista,

Full of drugs crime and daily cop visits it's like little Compton,

There's a lot of people that like to hang out in one place, So when you go back there's probably a bunch of people you don't even know.
Word out to Dermo, Murda, Miles, Hood, Jason, And all my Homies kickin' it at the spot.

Gould Street.
by Dough Boy August 24, 2006
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