1 definition by Doht Cahm

Halp is another word for Help. It's a word to attract species to come lend a hand or voice. It won't do anything when you need help escaping Dexter. :)
"HALP I'm being stalked for 1 day to a week, maybe a month if i'm sneaky. I then got injected with an animal tranquilizer. I was undressed and wrapped in plastic wrap, with the room full of plastic wrap to keep fingerprints and blood out of the room. There's a strange man that is kind of handsome. He was probably the one who tranquilized me. He's showing me pictures of the women and men i've killed. I am crying right now, can you hear it? Ahh. He then stabs me. I am dea..." (This was one sentence, I just added periods because i'm on my period. Thank you.)
by Doht Cahm August 13, 2019
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