24 definitions by Dodger of Zion

A father, no longer living with his wife/girlfriend and child(ren), who refuses to pay child support.
A deadbeat dad who can't keep a shirt on his kid's back should be shot in the head.
by Dodger of Zion July 12, 2003
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The excruciating, throbbing, blistering pain of the feet caused by extreme amounts of walking within a 24 hour period; so named because this condition tends to inflict visitors to Orlando theme parks, but can be applied to any leisurely activity involving copious walking. Can usually be prevented by wearing comfortable shoes, and can usually be cured by soaking one's feet in icy Natty Light.
Remind me not to wear my sandals next time we go to Ocean City. I've got a bitching case of Florida Feet!
by Dodger of Zion March 29, 2010
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Appears in Skype whenever a file transfer becomes impossibly slow, whether on the sender's end or the receiver's end. Similar to the fail whale of Twitter fame.
I kept trying to get the project files from her, but NO, the damn fail snail kept cockblocking me!
by Dodger of Zion July 25, 2010
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