1 definition by Doc Gonzo

Main Entry: swirl
Pronunciation: 'sw&r(-&)l
Function: noun

1. A foolish or stupid person who admits to having taken a dose of GHB (Gamma hydroxy butyrate), who then proceeds to have sex with Black person/s and swishes the ejaculate of said Black person/s in their mouth before swallowing said ejaculate. 9 previous examples shown above.

2. A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.

"Paris Hilton"
"Jessica Simpson"
"Brittany Spears"

"Your mother is a swirl!"
"That swirl wasnt born, she was spat out at birth!"

et al.
by Doc Gonzo March 9, 2006
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