4 definitions by Dirty Bomber

A sesh where the weed smoked is unknown to most or all participants. Usually dirty bomb's and scooby doobie's are smoked.
1: Oi, you wanna come to this roulette sesh?
2: And get munted like last time, hell yeah!
by Dirty Bomber January 20, 2020
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A dirty bomb is a joint or blunt rolled using a king with a layer of THC oil spread (can be in a strip or spread over a lengthways half) then covered with crystals, then rolled with weed only, then packed at the end.
It is called a dirty bomb as it looks like it's a muddy doobie and hits you like a bomb when smoked.
1: Ay, you remember that doob we had yesterday?
2: That dirty bomb? Yeah, I thought I was gonna die bro!
by Dirty Bomber January 20, 2020
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It is a doobie rolled exclusively with scooby and is used for a roulette sesh or when normal strains or mixes just aren't cutting it any more.
1: Oi, you wanna smoke this scooby doobie?
2: Yeah bro, that shit's dope!
by Dirty Bomber January 20, 2020
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Scrooby is a term used to describe weed when the contents are unknown.
If all/some of the strains in the weed you have are unknown then it is scooby as it is mysterious.
Scooby is often used for a hit roulette, so it's good for a sesh.
1: Ay bro, what's in this blunt?
2: Dunno bro, it's some scooby I picked up.

2: What strains are in this bag man?
1: There's some gorilla glue and amnesia, but the rest is scooby.
by Dirty Bomber January 20, 2020
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