1 definition by Davis(magee 8)

You people are out of your minds. It's not racist to hate hongers, even I do, and I'm chinese. A honger, is just a person who likes to talk loudly(in asian languages), thinking they are the only people in the area. That's all. This leads to no racism whatsoever. The word "Honger" might be misleading because it contains "Hong" inside, which is a part of Hong Kong, but it's not a racist term. Idiots.

All races have a group of "hongers". They're just not named so. Take a white "honger" for example. You know what I call a loudmouth white guy? An "asshole". Hello? Ever heard of assholes? Exactly. You oversentitive chinese fucks are just way too stupid, and I can say that without being a racist because Im chinese.

How stupid can people be?

To def #2 guy:
Why do you feel less superior to white people? It's not just them that makes fun of you. Now go away and take that shitty SL500 with you(which your parents most likely bought you, spoiled brat).
There's no Chinatown in Vancouver, there's a Chinacity though. HONGERS
by Davis(magee 8) October 1, 2005
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