1 definition by David Blankenship

A beta “male” soft as charmin- ultra. Known for shooting 3’s and swallowing D’s. Wide open dunks are not the only thing the Warrior’s guard likes to blow. Curry has consistently maintained that the habit of chewing his mouth guard is an ancient technique he picked up while in Tibet in an effort to combat homoerotic, oral fantasies. When Curry isn’t blowing male appendages or 3-1 leads he’s being blown down in dramatic fashion by the occasional drafts of wind in oracle arena, oftentimes resulting in 3 free throw attempts.
Announcer: Steph Curry drives left, attempts to draw contact with the defender and Ohhh he hits the deck! The refs are signaling a shooting foul but it looked like Curry attempted to draw a foul and bounced off the defender after initiating contact. Upon further review the contact appeared to be minimal at best. Curry’s adolescent frame and prepubescent body is simply Ill-equipped for the NBA. He is a boy amongst men.”
by David Blankenship December 1, 2020
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