12 definitions by DangerBunnyAttac

When jelly is stuck on the lid of a jar and becomes a hard sticky substance it is known as jeamjoom
"Awe crap I can't get the lid open it has jeamjoom all over the sides!"
by DangerBunnyAttac August 13, 2017
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Similar to a daisy chain a daisy marathon is raising to see who can make the other cum first in a threesome.
"Don't bother challenging me in a daisy marathon ive got a good pair of lips on me."
by DangerBunnyAttac August 13, 2017
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Is the act of eating pie while watching Shane Dawson with gay erotica playing in the background.
"David I heard strange noises coming from your brothers room last night again?"

"Oh he was probably just having one of those.. shane pie nights again"
by DangerBunnyAttac August 13, 2017
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Someone used willingly and repeatedly for intercourse often involving kink with various types of metal and plastic objects being inserted into the person.
"I want someone I can practice with my new dildos on"

"Maybe you should get a personal swing set"
by DangerBunnyAttac August 13, 2017
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Delicious noodles with white sauce and green specks also known as angels hair.
"Mmm can we have sparkle noodles for dinner tonight mum?"

"Jimmy grow the hell up they don't have sparkles on them!"
by DangerBunnyAttac August 13, 2017
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