5 definitions by Dangar the Mighty

A mighty brave gamer sucked into his tv whilst playing a Nintendo Entertainment System. Aided by his 8-bit troupe and armed only with a standard issue NES controller-belt, this young man fights against evil... and stuff .... oh yeah, it was a tv show, yo.
by Dangar the Mighty August 28, 2003
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Most Mightiest of warriors
Oh no! it's DANGAR the mighty, everyone watchout!
by Dangar the Mighty August 28, 2003
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A Mechanical Pimp. a robot pimp... robo-pimp... a dude made of metal who smacks hos and takes their money, and eats alot of sammiches... metal sammiches...
I am the Pimpbot, so you whores best drop my money right here, women...
by Dangar the Mighty August 28, 2003
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To runaway, escape, or use ninja-tactics (such as teleportation, or smoke-bomb-and-backflip) to avoid being caught.
damn yo, this place is crazy lame... lets dodge.

Oh no! it's the fuzz! dodge, yo!
by Dangar the Mighty August 28, 2003
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Interjection. Can be used anywhere, assuming the user is a badass like me.
by Dangar the Mighty October 28, 2003
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