2 definitions by D. Grey

An element that can not be metabolized and is stored in the human brain. It is nearly impossible to filter out of a person's system. Side effects include prescription to psuedoscienctific ideas, bad logic and a propensity for quoting inspirational cat posters. It is mostly mined from conspiracy theory websites and videos on the internet.

"The atomic number for stupidium is 81.5. That puts it is the mysterious WTF category of the periodic elements, right between thallium and lead. Its Abbreviation is STU." Sheila S.
The Flat Earth convention will be fully powered by stupidium this year.
by D. Grey July 21, 2018
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The sexual practice of fucking the police up the ass while taking a dump on the prison system.
The Prime minister of England is "Doing a Theresa" again.
by D. Grey March 29, 2019
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