10 definitions by CyN

A relationship in which two parties are in love, but are not in any form of formal relationship. Can also be used as a descriptive term for the other party, similar to boyfriend or girlfriend.
Marissa and I have been flurfles for about four months now. She's the best flurfle I've ever had.
by CyN July 3, 2015
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A person, usually female, who uses sex as a means to justify their existence. The result being a temporary alleviation of the fear of invisibility.
Sexual bulimia
"It's not that Jenny is a slut, per se, she's a FEARFUCKER. She thinks that getting reamed by any stranger qualifies her as a 'Hottie'"
by CyN March 18, 2004
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Excessive, reckless, self-centered use of sexual behavior that "doesn't count" because one or both partners are under the influence of drugs, alcohol or meglomania. The "disorder" often targets the spouses/partners of friends. Guilt, self-loathing and further promiscuity is the result...thus an endless cycle ensues.Merry-Go-Pound
Anne's Sexual Bulimia has resulted in the destruction of all significant relationships. Her fear of being alone and invisible leads to Fear-fucking as a feeble attempt to acquire a new social circle, this becomes a Merry-Go-Pound
by CyN March 18, 2004
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