2 definitions by Corsican P.

Noun/brəʊ ˈʤəʊ ˈprɒbləmz /possessive

A colloquial term, typically used on social media (occasionally used in conjunction with Brother Joe).

When you're caught between not doing something largely immoral with a family member, but you're financially dependent on said family member.
"My brother wants to date my daughter. Obviously, I have a problem with that, but I depend on him for a living. If I confront him about it; the checks might dry up. #BroJoeProblems"

"My brother is 'grooming' my daughter/his niece so he can eventually date her. I don't agree with this at all, yet the checks he sends to me yearly pay for my mortgage, so I have to keep my mouth shut. #BroJoeProblems"
by Corsican P. April 2, 2017
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A colloquial term, typically used on social media (occasionally used in conjunction with Brother Joe).

When you're caught between not doing something largely immoral with a family member, but you're financially dependent on said family member.
"My brother wants to date my niece. Obviously, I have a problem with that, but I depend on him for a living. If I confront him about it; the checks might dry up. #BroJoeProblems"
by Corsican P. April 2, 2017
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