10 definitions by Coolkakizz

the British international school of New York a small private school in Manhattan (NYC). Tuition is insanely expensive and it is most students are the children of diplomats/ambassadors, european Business men and middle eastern oil billionaires. The students all smoke an obnoxious amount of marajuana and speak it vaguely foreign accents that you can’t quite place.
what school do you go to?
ok so your a rich ass foreign stoner
by Coolkakizz June 21, 2023
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Referring to a beverage that is used to get one intoxicated. Generally consists of Codeine Syrup, soda (Sprite), and candy (commonly Jolly Ranchers). The mixture often is purple in color due to the Codeine syrup which gives it its other name "Purple Drank"
After drinking lean she was very intoxicated
by Coolkakizz July 3, 2023
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Are you even a New Yorker

“Yeah I have a bbpj
by Coolkakizz January 17, 2022
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