2 definitions by Conrad Asshat

1. Describes a Female Panda who does not want to give birth exactly when the Channel 4 News Team needs it too.

2. A person who pours and serves Pandas.

3. A person of large stature who has committed any sort of social fo-pa.
"You're ruining my segment, . . . Panda-Jerk!"

"That fat guy just spit in the buffet! Panda-Jerk!"
by Conrad Asshat December 16, 2008
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Below the Mason Dixon Line,
Used to describe lightning of any kind/ferocity. Also used in combination to describe thunder AND lightning . . . Originates from Central Florida.
"We was blasted by 'Crooked Nasty' during that storm last night."
by Conrad Asshat December 16, 2008
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