1 definition by Connor TEEHEE

A drain, through which vast amounts of alcohol is poured, yet no effect is ever gained. unless belligerence can be counted. Then in that case it doesnt take much.

The true story of john jamesons whiskey-
John jameson was diving to get the whiskey barrel when seamus stabbed him with a pointy shaft and killed that little bitch. He then dove down to engage the giant squid in sexual combat and won handily, with his penis. And by win I mean lost and got raped. But some 35 years later in a dirty alley in a dirtier dumpster I found a smelly sock that kind of looked like seamus.

And so the legend lives on
Justin- Hey where did my whisky go?

Connor-The ghost of seamus past took it along with your virginity.

Seamus- Its true
by Connor TEEHEE January 16, 2012
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