1 definition by Communism is almost here folks

A first play on idiotic libtards, such as when Donald Trump would corner Joey B in the debates, Biden would then use his trusty Biden card to change the subject to something Kamala told him(that he also forgot), while Trump checkmates him first play using his infamous Trump card! It is considered to "Trump" all stupidity but only the most intelligent people such as Trump, Libertarians, and most Republicans know how to use it best!
"Hey bro! I heard someone talking about that terribly horrifying murder weapon the AR-15!" "So I just walk over and pull out my Trump card, all I say is how hands and feet murder more people than all firearms combined murder every year! And every country that has banned guns spiked in murders directly after!"

Leaving the democunt immobilized, not knowing what to say, as the poor snowflake's world had been shattered, turning to pelosi and Comedy News Network for the word of god and wisdom
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