1 definition by Colt Dixon

Disqus is the place where Free Speech on the Internet goes to die...

A place where people can freely share their opinions....just as long as those opinions are popular with the entrenched radicals who dominate the sordid scene!

Teacher says, "Everytime a bell rings, a comment gets censored on Disqus"

The name should be changed from "Disqus" to "Disqus-ting"

It's a place of community, a place that brings people together... in order to censor and violently attack anyone with a differing opinion!

If Disqus had existed in the 1940s, The Furher would be envious and Goebbels would be out of a job!
Disqus is the place where Free Speech on the internet goes to die...
by Colt Dixon April 11, 2016
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