48 definitions by Cole

The New Hampshire Nasy is a dirty sex move. Usually between two people, but there is no reason it could not include more. First sailor hats must be worn. Second the girl must insert a nerf football into her pussy. The football will double as a contraceptive device becuase of its spongey and absorbent nature will soak up all the cum. Third all people involved must be covered in clam chowder.
Katie will give you the new hampshire nasty for as little as $5.75. You can't beat a price like that.
by Cole October 14, 2006
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a person that usses intravinis drugs
yeh tom shoots up, I hate bangers
by Cole September 15, 2003
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an exclamatory word one may use in an unespected situation. Like if someone steals something from you, you may say Butcha, da man stole my stuff
Butcha, he went and took my penicl
"is this mine?" "Butcha it mine!"
by Cole February 20, 2004
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it meens hadleys got a fukin mungus arsed chin!!!!
cinderella sat on hiz face an sed lie bitch lie!!
by Cole October 29, 2004
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Fool, you just straight mollywopped me, negroid!
by Cole September 13, 2004
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your testicles,your jewels,your cookies,your nuts,your beans ect........
my stupid ex-wife kicked me in the gonads
by Cole January 1, 2004
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