13 definitions by Code_Maker

Someone who wears clothes and/or accessories that are designed with outdated camoflage such as UCP or dreaded (by most) camoflage such as the ABU. This does not apply to OCP and BDU.

If you have no idea what these are please look them up, making sure to add 'camoflage' after each acronym.
Uh look at that guy. He's such an urbatex.
by Code_Maker February 17, 2018
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A group of children who throw objects at other, bon-group members. Usually partners or defectors of the 8th infantry division
I sent a fire mission over to 25th artillery. That'll take care of that.
by Code_Maker February 17, 2018
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That religious kid from your middle school who you were pretty sure was a religious extremist.
by Code_Maker February 12, 2018
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When you are talking in or in front of a group of people and you make a good point, but either nobody was listening until then or they don't understand.

When a tank throws a track, it takes a long time to repair. It is also very annoying and happens relatively easily. In a conversation, throwing a track can take a while to recover from.
Keeping calm before going on stage can help keep you from throwing a track.
by Code_Maker April 23, 2018
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1. Any person(s) who have the abaility to adapt nearly instantly to video games, usually of complicated design.

2. Someone who will attempt to act out a combat scenario at a lazer tag event. (Because they can't afford airsoft)

ArmA (Armed Assault) is a combat simulator developed by Bohemia Interactive. ArmA is know for it's extremely large control scheme and steep learning curve.
1. Man this dude's already pretty good. Must be an Arma player.
2. Jesus, yesterday I encountered an Arma player at the Lazer tag arena.
by Code_Maker February 12, 2018
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The kid(s) who are extremely alt-right, to almost neo-nazi levels. Usually attempts to force religion or beleifs onto others. Hates anything that isn't what they have in mind as perfect.

Word may be used as referring to a singular person or multiple people due to how it translates.
Christ! I think George has joined the Sturmtruppen!
by Code_Maker February 17, 2018
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