5 definitions by Cockatoo Nathan

A skateboarder that becomes really good at the sport, then gives it all up by quitting.
This word is also in the slunt family.
That Joseph kid is such a slunt lip. He actually had talent.
by Cockatoo Nathan October 5, 2008
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A skateboarders slang for *unco as fuck*
A skateboarder may use this word when having trouble staying on his board.
dude, I'm so uncoesfuk today
by Cockatoo Nathan October 5, 2008
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*why sams* are people that play online games and are over the age of 40.
dude, look at all these why sams playing online poker =.=
by Cockatoo Nathan October 5, 2008
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A person who puts some kind of food under their pillow before they go to sleep. Incase they wake up and feel like having a midnight snack.
I was so Tipsuz last night. I even put a pork chop under my pillow
by Cockatoo Nathan October 5, 2008
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A person (father/dad) that has a low sample of sperm. There for, creating a kid that has learning difficulties and problems communicating with other people.
That kid is the biggest slunt i've ever seen. He doesn't even know his lefts and rights.
by Cockatoo Nathan October 5, 2008
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