1 definition by Christopher Hendrix

Definition 1:
A tasty snack created by Doritos® which are very good

Definition 2:
The act of saying "Fritos" whilst someone is taking a free throw shot in basketball to "jynx" them.

Definition 3:
Consolense food. Often bought on a bad day or on a day when something has gone wrong. Fritos make the consumer feel better because people like eating unhealthy stuff
Example #1:
"Hey John lets go to the store at lunch because I am really craving some of those AMAZING Fritos, nacho cheese junk food has never been better!"

Example #2:
(Kyle lines up to take the free throw shot in a common basketball game called "bump", when suddenly...)
Chris: (yells) "FRITOS, does Kyle like Fritos?"
(Kyle misses the shot)
Chris: (Yelling again) "HaHa Kyle doesn't like Fritos, what the hell is wrong with you Kyle, they're delicious?"

Example #3:
Devin: "Ahh man I just bombed that test Mrs. Baker gave us in English, I think I'm going to fail. *sighs* How did u do Chris?"
Chris: "I ...umm... did ok, (Chris got 93.5% but doesn't want to brag, so he plays it modest) you'll do good next time and pass English Devin. Hey let's go get some Fritos at lunch and it'll make you feel much better!"
Devin: "Ahh yeah, I love Fritos. You're right I can still pass English, Mrs. Baker is just a bitch. Hey let's skip gym, I broke into John's locker and stole $20! Fritos for ALL!!!"
by Christopher Hendrix November 3, 2006
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