3 definitions by Christine Breese

A person who takes the non-duality Advaita Hindu teachings too far. This person is kind of spacy and thinks that everything is okay even though people are being killed all over the world, or they don’t have compassion because they think the people deserve it for some reason because of karma. While that may be true or not true, we should all still have compassion for those who are suffering. Non-duality space monkeys are out to lunch on the compassion ticket.
Compassionate person: Dude, doesn't it make you sad that so many people are suffering in the world?
Non-duality space monkey: No, that's just the way it goes.
Compassionate person: That's messed up, don't you care?
Non-duality space monkey: Well there is no such thing as an individual anyway, so their suffering isn't even real.
Compassionate person: Wow, you are a serious space monkey. Dare I say it, a non-duality space monkey.
Non-duality space monkey: Yeah, I know.
by Christine Breese April 14, 2008
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A person constantly seeking pleasure experiences, like someone who does too many drugs, wants too much sex, eats too many sweets and ice cream, constantly seeks peak spiritual experiences, or likes chocolate too much - to the extent that this person behaves like a junkie without their fix.
He's such a bliss junkie - whenever life gets tough, he just runs away and buries himself in sex, drugs, and whatever else he can find.

Technically, everyone’s a bliss junkie to some extent or another because we all like pleasure!
by Christine Breese April 12, 2008
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Someone so into New Age ideas, psychedelics, or other alternative thought system that he or she becomes out of touch with reality. Also called Space Case.
Roommate: Are you even paying attention to me? You need to pay your share of the electric bill, NOW.
Space Monkey: Have you ever asked yourself, does the electric bill even exist, or is it all in our minds? What is a bill made of? If the bill could sing, what would be its song?
Roommate: Dude, that's it, I'm kicking you out, you flippin' space monkey.
by Christine Breese April 14, 2008
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