10 definitions by ChezmonoIsHere

That shitty symbol that pops up when Urban Dictionary can't find the word you're looking for.
bish the fuck is u lookin 4?
by ChezmonoIsHere January 29, 2017
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A combination between a feminist, a Nazi, a feminazi, and my Uncle John.
You're a total Aikanaziantoddle... always drunk, bitching about men, and trying to conquer the world.
by ChezmonoIsHere January 8, 2017
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For when "didn't" or "doesn't" could both work, in theory, but neither feels quite right.
Son: "Hey, we're on our way to the concert."
Dad: "Is your mother going?"
Son: "No, I figured she probably dodn't want to go.

"Didn't" would work here because they're on their way to the concert, but "doesn't" would work because they're not there yet, so "dodn't" is ideal here.
by ChezmonoIsHere February 1, 2020
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