2 definitions by Charlie Hitlin

Getting a headache as the result of the mis-use, over-use, constant hype and attention the web gets from upper level management.
Usually happens when the web is viewed as the solution for all problems. Usually goes hand in hand with blogs, forums, second life, and other forms of "social networking."

A webache is a common occurrence for a web developer being asked to do new things without requirements or to use new technology for technologies sake.
by Charlie Hitlin April 23, 2008
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Getting a headache as the result of the mis-use, over-use, constant hype and attention the web gets from upper level management.
Usually happens when the web is viewed as the solution for all problems. Goes hand in hand with blogs, forums, second life, and other forms of "social networking."

A webache is a common occurrence for a web developer being asked to do new things without requirements or to use new technology for technologies sake.
by Charlie Hitlin April 28, 2008
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