53 definitions by Catty McGee

To state what you believe to be true without forethought.

Usually, people who "tell it like it is" hate it when other people "tell it like it is" about them.
Trump: The FAKE NEWS media doesn't like me because I tell it like it is!!!

Bannon: The meeting at Trump Tower with Russians for dirt on Hillary was treasonous.

by Catty McGee January 4, 2018
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Achieving political goals by targeting innocent people.
An example of terrorism is when Donald Trump threatens to cut off humanitarian aid to Palestinian refugees in order to force their leaders to negotiate with Israel. Another is when Israel bulldozes the homes of Palestinian refugees to get revenge on their family members.
by Catty McGee January 27, 2018
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The deep depression that sinks in when a series of reprehensible concepts have taken hold in the public consciousness of a place to which they were once considered anathema.
I've got normalaise over the fact that this asshole was elected on the promise of banning Muslims.
by Catty McGee May 11, 2017
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A person who is constantly crying, even long after their crying has caused them to be given what they want by an overindulgent guardian.
After effortlessly ramming through the least popular and least qualified Supreme Court Justice in history, the perpetual victims of the Republican Party continued portraying themselves as under siege by a left-wing mob.
by Catty McGee October 9, 2018
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A piece of deepity used by the unthinking part of the left to disguise their actual views, both from themselves and from others.

To the extent that it is true, it is unremarkable: all countries are fake, Palestinians are not (on average) any more or less indigenous to the area than Israelis are, and both Zionism and Palestinian nationalism are recent inventions that are only possible in the context of the broader invention of nationalism in recent centuries.

To the extent that it is false, it is very important to stress its falsehood: Israel has real, material power, and its oppression of Palestinians is very real, material, and immediate. It needs real, material, immediate relief, not abstract philosophical musings.

Leftist: Jews have the right to exist; Israel doesn't because it is an abstraction that necessarily should never take precedence over the lives of...

Unthinking leftist: Israel is FAKE.

Leftist: Look shut up and go play in /r/ChapoTrapHouse while serious people have a discussion
by Catty McGee June 4, 2019
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The favorite insult of people who have been convinced to serve the interests of a foreign government in the name of American nationalism.
Mainstream Republicans are so cucked, cooperating with Robert Mueller's investigation and all...
by Catty McGee November 26, 2017
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1. The name of an intentionally bad play released by the characters in Mel Brooks' The Producers with the intention of making money off of its loss, which turned out to be a success, ruining their plan.

2. By extension, any attempt to fail that ends up resulting in an unwanted success that is bad for everyone involved.
Much to his chagrin as well as that of most of the country, Trump won the election, and it was Springtime for Hitler in 2017.
by Catty McGee January 6, 2018
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