2 definitions by Cat and Alien

Alejandra , usually a Spanish girls name.

A girl that possesses high intellect and Capabilities power excellence. She has super natural powers (voodoo girl)!! Beware.... she can fight her way out of anything that comes her way, be it strong boys (Extreme Girl power) .

She is very pretty .. can cause people extreme liking for her which could lead to high levels of infatuation.

All in all she is a very amazing person and you can get charmed by her.
OH! my freaking lord its Alejandra .. she is so hot.
by Cat and Alien July 8, 2011
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Sanvitti is a sanskrit name, usually indian girl name. Most of the time the coolest person in the room. Beautiful and cute, has long legs and hair. Model like body. athletic, and smart. great personality, tall, and slender. Makes friends easily, a great actress, and can kick your ass in a fight.

Doesn't tolarate guys that treat her wrong. She can be shy at time, but if you mess with her, you will get hurt.
I wish i could be a Sanvitti
by Cat and Alien July 8, 2011
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