1 definition by Cat James

A specific (unicorn-like) type of bonding characterized by an organic balance of sexual intimacy, emotional intimacy, and communication. FONDING is rare. It’s a heightened, more sophisticated form of ‘friends with benefits’ that is not threatened by ‘catching feelings’, jealousy or miscommunication. Key traits of fonding are: shameless honesty, lack of pressure, and mutually understood expectations

You can not ‘fond’ instantly with someone. To earn the label of fonding means to prove that your relationship can outlast the trials of doubtful peers, social norms and inevitable events & emotions that need navigating.

Fonding exists only in relationships where romantic intimacy is avoided with each other. This lack of romance can be effortless or intentional. Each participant can and likely will have or at least entertain the idea of romantic intimacy with others outside of the Fond. These are discussed openly with the other.

If you come across a successful Fond ~ observe carefully, learn and study it. You will likely not get many chances in your life to be in the presence of two people successfully fonding.

The two were not dating, nor were they friends-with-benefits; they had successfully been Fonding for months now.
by Cat James September 16, 2021
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