1 definition by CFSOCC-A J35 Roach


verb, -ized, -iz·ing, -iza-shun

–verb (used with object)

1. to make an event or object simulate an impoverished, neglected, or otherwise disadvantaged residential area of a city, usually troubled by a disproportionately large amount of crime

2. to relate to (inner) city life

3. to relate to the poor life
4. to jury-rig, improvise, or repair (usually with extremely cheap or sub-standard components), yet still deserving of an odd sense of respect from ghetto dwellers and non-ghetto dwellers alike
1. Dave ghettorized the chip on his car's paint job with nail polish.
2. Girl, you just ghettorized that Walmart outfit with them Salvation Army boots and Goodwill pants.
3. The ghettorization of our neighborhood started when the neighbors propped up their broke down cars using cinder blocks as jack stands.
4. Roach started ghettorizing his whip with plastic spinnahs.
by CFSOCC-A J35 Roach January 13, 2011
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