2 definitions by Broseph Coney Island

The name of a modern Renaissance man.

Here are a list of his contributions:
Invented the scientific constant known as "Alden's Number"
Was a pioneering scientist who discovered "Alden's Theory"
Served as a top-ranking general under President Biden whose rejected withdrawal plan from Afghanistan could have saved lives
Current serving as Omaha's 52nd Mayor
Ian: Have you heard of Alden's Number?
Rando: I believe so...

Tim: Do you know what Alden's Theory is?
Charlie: No.
Tim: Ok.

James: Do you think General Alden's plan could have saved lives?
Rob: It could have.

Ian: You don't have any clue who Omaha mayoral candidate Alden is?
Rando: No!
by Broseph Coney Island October 6, 2021
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The name of a general that President Biden should have listened to
James: Regarding the withdrawal from Afghanistan, do you believe that General Alden's plan could have saved lives?

by Broseph Coney Island October 6, 2021
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