2 definitions by Brett 'moleman' Molitor

Pronunciation Key (skwewbz)

1. Compound word. Squash + Pubes.
2. The tiny fibers found inside a squash.
Used in a sentence:

"The soup du jour was Butternut Squash and it would've been delicious had it not been chock full of squbes."
by Brett 'moleman' Molitor March 29, 2005
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nut + goggles = noggles

it is similar to "teabagging" someone. more specifically, it is the act of dropping your scrotum onto someone's eyes, resting a testicle in the recess of each eye socket. thus creating the effect of wearing "nut goggles" or "noggles".
can be used as a noun or a verb:

noun: "please impress upon me, your mad set of noggles."

verb: "i beat him in chess and following the game, i noggled him in celebration."
by Brett 'moleman' Molitor January 16, 2004
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