2 definitions by Bone Hane

A teenage adolecent male who ponders on vagina day in day out. He tries to spank himself into submission like a dog in the face of Ceaser Milan, but none of these thousands upon thousands of orgasms will sefice for the vagina the virgin craves. Many times in this increasing bone tome he will have such an outstanding amount of wet dreams that he will drown himself in his own spunk.
Ever since Hogarth saw Fanny's snatch he was doomed to the life of a muff puddler, semening on whatever he finds.
by Bone Hane June 13, 2010
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The yunk-free doodlies hobbled on their hind masgurks. The turd wranglers were practicing their martial trouser dropping. As the sun rose, a bully came to his toes. A gunk poof and kobbled. The breastriary rumbled with life. All the minidurtquaffles hid from the heaving beast. The quacktoot wigglies all beefed in fear. Scampering munk lunkers filled the Youper floor. Loathing themselves to sleep. Stomp Stoump Sharrriiiiii! Heckled the Vinereal Imps.
Bone reflex, bite shorty’s dooks Appears Bone Hane the complisher. Bo Han! Abo Han! Gurtfliggities the Bone Hane. Qwerty creature of pompous deuce trousering steps forth. Qweef, Qweff! He howls
Bone Hane reaches for his bone. Bo Han! It glutes reaching for the shaft. A whirling smash to the Youper floor!
Stun Qwerty once shame on you. Qweff, Qweff! Stammers Qwetry Reaching for the bow of Annubis, he fires a Legolas.
Straight into the Schnozz of Bone Hane. A rumpus gurgle and tottering Philip. Abo Han! He grabs the shaft once more. A whiffling roundhouse to the peter for Qwerty.
Qweff, Qweff! It remps in pain. Stun Qwerty twice shame on Wu! Grasping the Almighty Dueceburg Salad He whips dressing of pure frothbogard into the pupil of Bone Hane.
Abo Han! Bone Hane had been boned Collapsing to the Youper floor. Qwerty immediately after dissent put his tail end in the air. Qweff, Qwaqwaqwaqwa Qweefeefffff!!!! He triumphs. He then looks to the Youper floor and what he sees is terwhilliger. A descendant baby born!
by Bone Hane June 13, 2010
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