3 definitions by Boi’s rapping n yew ting

To yeet is to start channeling shaggy's power to throw the largest yeet in execistance Then going off and playing fortnite and hyping like any 9 year old child would on friday with their also cringey friends.
Person 1: hey daddy you want to look at what i can do
Daddy: Yeah sure
Person 1: (squats very slowly and dramatically) UHH!!!!!!! YA YA YA........ YA YEET YA
Daddy: Holy crap! what the freak oh crap it was so frickin cool!
by Boi’s rapping n yew ting February 27, 2019
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A battle call in fortnite squads to start defaulting on ninja’s body as his elimination is fulfilled then going off to start oofing and drinking sprite cranberrys to then praise shaggy
by Boi’s rapping n yew ting February 27, 2019
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