9 definitions by Bogan of the Desert

The belief in the political, social, and logistic superiority of women to men. Female followers, especially zealots, are known to embark on quests to recruit white knights in the most insidious and covert ways she can imagine. The belief that manual labour and the dirty, dangerous jobs are for men, whom they describe as disposable and inferior.
Feminist: #KillAllMen! Women are the wave of the future! All men are scum and should be disposed for women's benefit and women's only!
Female Detractor: Wow. Feminists sure do hate men. Not my kind of faith at all.
Feminist: Traitor! Feminism is about equality for the genders!
Male Detractor: But you just claimed, seconds ago, that women were superior to men.
by Bogan of the Desert January 9, 2015
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A person who blindly sings the praises of his idol.
Gray: You surrounded me, with songs of praise,
You brought me to this place...
Ken: Isn't that Gray singing -
Johnson: That worship song?
Gray: (continues singing without noticing Ken or Johnson as he walks away) Where Your Love and Grace move within my life...
Ken: You're right, Johnson; Gray has sung that song every week without fail, that beast of song!
by Bogan of the Desert January 9, 2019
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