1 definition by Bob Kale

Fantastic website for viewing videos it is loved by all the world. Except Viacom they hate it for some reason....
Watch and enjoy the videos on youtube but remember, no matter how much you want to, NEVER read the comments people have made. Especially those on videos that have a political connection i.e. Iraq. It may start of as an informed discussion but the comments will soon boil down to 1 of 3 basic premises.
1. 'We won world war 2 you Hitler appeasing bastard'
2. 'I suppose you would rather Saddam Hussein was still in power'
3. 'Thats typical conservative/liberal distortion of facts'

All served up with a healthy dose of abuse and words like 'bitch' 'whiny' and for some reason 'faggot' seems to be a very popular word.

Seriously it can happen on the most innocent of videos such as one for Cat Stevens, a singer who converted to Islam (uh oh), and then changed his name to Yusef Islam. I think you can see how that one got off topic!

Videos = good , comments = bad

by Bob Kale May 19, 2007
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