3 definitions by Black And Wise

Someone very wise and intelligent. He is known for his loyalty and he is just AMAZING. He is also often referred to be a GOD, warrior, great at sex, and having a massive 16-inch dick. He's the ultimate homie and always carries the homies when they are down.
Jacob: Bro ur just like Lukman
Danny: Who's Lukman?
Jacob: Someone just amazing and a GOD. Put some respect on Lukman's name
Danny: Damn I wish I could be like Lukman
by Black And Wise November 12, 2020
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Someone very wise and intelligent. He is known for his loyalty and he is just AMAZING. He is also often referred to be a GOD, warrior, great at sex, and having a massive 16-inch dick. He's the ultimate homie and always carries the homies when they are down.
Jacob: Bro ur just like Lukman
Danny: Who's Lukman?
Jacob: Someone just amazing and a GOD. Put some respect on Lukman's name
Danny: Damn I wish I could be like Lukman
by Black And Wise November 12, 2020
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Someone very wise and intelligent. He is known for his loyalty and he is just AMAZING. He is also often referred to be a GOD, warrior, great at sex, and having a massive 16-inch dick. He's the ultimate homie and always carries the homies when they are down.
Jacob: Bro ur just like Lukman
Danny: Who's Lukman?
Jacob: Someone just amazing and a GOD. Put some respect on Lukman's name
Danny: Damn I wish I could be like Lukman
by Black And Wise November 12, 2020
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