1 definition by Billy Bob Joe Tipsy

A true gentleman's game, in which two or more people use a vehicle (depending on the version being played) and a blunt weapon (primarily baseball bats, but cricket bats are acceptable) to bludgeon deer for sport. Then they proceed to go about or at speeds greater than 50 miles per hour, when one sees the deer in question. Then. One (or two individuals), preferably the one('s) holding the blunt weapon, proceeds to lean out of the vehicle being operated (one would hope skillfully) to bring them into bludgeoning range. Then the individuals with the blunt weapons proceed to bludgeon the animal upside its head. There are variations on this game, for example, Green Skutch (off-road skutch, but a trifle more aggressive) or Sledge skutch (which is even more aggressive than Green skutch) or Buck Skutch (similar to strip poker, only skutch) and last but not least...competitive skutch (played by two or more teams, usually a slightly more complicated version of green skutch). It should be noted that the name of this true gentlemen's game comes from the sound of deer antlers skidding along road of some nature.
Announcer-y voice: Welcome to the Semi-annual competitive buck skutch tournament!! Ryan seacrest and ron white here, ready to comment on every bit of this often times brutal but gentlemenly sport!! Now to our guest, Billy joe, how did you lose your arm?

Billy Joe: I lost it in a local competitive buck skutch game in Ohio, which was kind of really cool cuz they let me keep it.

The announcer: Keep your arm or the deer?

Billy joe laughs: Both!!
by Billy Bob Joe Tipsy March 9, 2014
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