29 definitions by Bex

A person who skateboards (well who'd a thunk it??) There are 2 types of boarders
1) People who can actually do shit, and do it for the sake of skating, for the pure joy. They don't just give up if they injure themselves once.
2) People who only skate cause they think it's cool and actually can't skate but promote themselves as skaters just because they bought a board. Also, the only other skateboarder they know is Tony Hawk. Commonly think that decks are in your backyard, where you put your lawn furniture on.
1) *enter name* is a skate boarder.
2) real: nice deck, dude.
fake: um...thanks? My mom just had it repainted.
real: huh? no...deck...you know...part of your board...you helflip on it and do McTwists...
fake: hey..aren't McTwists some sort food at McDonalds...
real: OK then...*coughcouchsneeze*loser...
by Bex December 4, 2003
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