1 definition by BetYourMamaNeverToldYouThat~

A party that is hosted for, and by high school kids, but for some reason you, an adult, were invited. At this party, plenty of recreational material is present, along with the actual TRAPS. An overabundance of underage hotties. The ratio of 18+ to 17- must be at least one to ten, and they must be, or due to substance consumption APPEAR attractive.
Alex: "Yeah, and then my twenty something year old cousin invited me to a high school party. I was like, TRAP PARTY, and walked out of the room."

Jordan: "Damnnnnn! We know better than to let bait be dangled in front of us. Keep strong girl! We aren't seventeen anymore!"

Alex: *sighs* "I knowwwww"
by BetYourMamaNeverToldYouThat~ December 29, 2011
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