1 definition by Basil II

A frequent and skilled Redditor, often a stereotypical woke neoliberal who thinks Kamala Harris is a kween, either between 12 to 15 or 30 to 40
Normal Person: I don't think Joe Biden is a good candidate, I prefer X instead
Redditoid: OMG WHO HURT YOU???? Fortnite Bad Pewdiepie Good Joe Biden moment WHOLESOME 100 Keanu Chungus I hate little children, hahahahahah Prequel good funny ahahahhahah Jimmy Kimmel own Orange Man ahahhahahaqhahahha THIS JUST THIS, YIKES! Not Ridin' with Biden not wholesome REDDIT DO YOUR THING! CHINA BAD!: Edit - Thanks for the Gold kind stranger!
by Basil II January 24, 2021
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